Patient Participation Group

Elmwood Family Doctors has an active Patient Participation Group (PPG) made up of diverse and enthusiastic volunteers who are instrumental in improving communication between patients and the practice.

The PPG at Elmwood Family Doctors aims to:

  • Improve communication between patients and the practice.
  • Obtain the views of patients who use the practice regarding the quality of services delivered and convey any feedback necessary.
  • Raise patient awareness of the range of services available at the practice, and help patients to access and use services more effectively.
  • Bring a sense of partnership between the patients and the practice.
  • Provide constructive two-way feedback on patient and community needs.

The PPG meets in person at least four times a year. Meetings are chaired by Joyce Pattinson, our PPG chairperson along with Graham Brown, the practice Operations Manager, and a GP Partner. At these meetings we discuss things relevant to the practice.

In addition to these meetings the PPG has ‘working groups’ to discuss specific matters that need to be addressed and brought to the attention of the practice.

Our PPG has:

  • Secured the purchase of seated weighing scales available in surgery (based at the Meltham Village Surgery site).
  • Arranged the installation of photographs of staff in the reception areas so they may be easily identified.
  • Made the practice website more accessible for patients.
  • Ensured text reminders are sent to patients for appointments.
  • Guided the practice on other matters which has an impact on our patients, for example feedback on digital technologies used by the practice.

If you are interested in becoming involved with the PPG then please contact Graham Brown by calling the practice on 01484 943000. Graham will pass your details to Chairperson Joyce Pattinson who will then contact you. The only membership criterion is that you must be a current patient of Elmwood Family Doctors and you can attend a minimum of three consecutive PPG meetings.