Please let us know as soon as possible if your address or contact details change.
You can update changes to your address and/or telephone contact details using our online services if you have already registered.
If you don’t use the online services then you will need to complete a change of details form.
(click here for the form, or collect one from the practice). You will need to include on your form every other family member that the address change affects, otherwise we shall assume that they are remaining at the old address.
If you change your name, again you need to come to the surgery and complete the appropriate form. You will also be required to show proof of name change. i.e. Marriage Certificate, Deed Poll documentation.
Non-urgent advice: If your are having treatment under a hospital or another healthcare body, you will need to notify them of changes separately
If any family member attends regular outpatient clinics at any hospital, or has recently been referred to a clinic/hospital for an initial appointment, please telephone the hospital’s appointments department to inform them of your new address (Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust Tel: 01484 355370).