National Patient Survey Results 2024 are in!

The results of the 2024 National GP Patient Survey are in and we are delighted with the results!
Elmwood Family Doctors has scored consistently higher than the national, regional and local averages in every area, including how well the healthcare professional they saw in their last appointment listened to them (97%) and how helpful our receptionist and administrative teams are (97%). Overall, 92% of our patients described their experience as good which puts us in the top 4 practices out of a total 64 practices across Kirklees.
Elmwood Family Doctors is part of The Valleys Primary Care Network (six practices across the Holme and Colne Valley) and as a group of practices we have scored the highest out of a total 52 PCNs across West Yorkshire on a number of areas – including overall experience, how easy it is to get through on the phone, how helpful our receptionists are, being offered a choice of appointment and being satisfied with your appointment, your experience of making an appointment, and appointment times available to you.
Thank you to the patients who took time to complete the survey – we appreciate all feedback as this allows us to continually review and improve our patient services.
For more information about our practice results or to compare them to other practices across the country, please go to: